Flora of VPG


List Of Flora

  1. Hibiscus rosa sinensis(China rose)
  2. Murraya Koenigii(Curry tree/ meetha neem)
  3. Solenum tuberosum(Potato)
  4. Ficus elastic( Rubber fig)
  5. Areca palm
  6. Araucaria araucana( Christmas tree)
  7. Agave
  8. Aloe vera(Gwarpatha)
  9. Dracaena trifasciata(Snake Plant/ mother in law’s tongue)
  10. Crassula ovata ( Jade plant)
  11. Nycthanthes arbor- tristis( Harsingar/ parijat)
  12. Tabernaemontana divaricata(Chandani)
  13. Jasminum sambac(Mogra/ Arabian Jasmine)
  14. Jasminum auriculatum(Juhi/ Indian Jasmine)
  15. Prosopis cineraria(khejari)
  16. Dichrostachys cinerea(Shami)
  17. Phyllanthus emblica(Awla/ Indian gooseberry)
  18. Bougainvillea glabra(Lali/ Paperflower)
  19. Thuja occidentalis L.(Morpankh)
  20. Lilium candidum
  21. Chlorophytum comosum(Spider Plant)
  22. Cascabela thevetia( Yellow oleander)
  23. Saraca asoca(Ashok tree)
  24. Azadirachta indica(Neem)
  25. Capsicum frutescens( Green chilly)
  26. Plumeria alba(Champa)
  27. Bryophyllum
  28. Kalanchoe
  29. Rosa indica
  30. Canna spp.(Keli)
  31. Epipremnum aureum (Money plant)
  32. Rhoeo discolor(lever leaf)
  33. Tradescantia spathacea(Oyster plant)
  34. Fern
  35. Colocasia esculenta(Elephant ear plant)
  36. Cymbopogon(fresh lemongrass)
  37. Laurus nobilis(Bay Laurel/Tejpatta)
  38. Chrysanthemum (Guldaudi)