Science Lab

The college is well equipped with different Department laboratories namely Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics for use of students under the supervision of respective teachers. Students are required to make a adequate a proper use of these facilities

The Botany lab is well equipped with sophisticated Instruments for undergraduate and postgraduate students to perform various Botany practical which are necessary for the study of Anatomical, morphological ,Developmental and biochemical processes of all forms of plant life. Major Equipments are Dissecting ,light ,compound microscopes, spectrophotometer, colorimeter, centrifuge machine, heating mantle, air sampler, hygrometer,oven,Incubator, autoclave, , laminar air flow and deep freezer. For Advanced practical exercise introduction of Plant Tissue Culture Chamber for micropropagation of endangered and economically important Plant species.

Zoology Department offers both graduation and post-graduation programs, with a focus on entomology and environment biology. The essential elements of zoology labs are Museum of invertebrates and vertebrates specimens .Major Equipments are Compound and Dissection microscopes, UV- Vis Spectrophotometer, pH meter, Electronic balances, Hot air Oven, Centrifuges, Microtome, Haemocytometer, Haemoglobinometers, digital board, gel electrophoresis, Deep freezer, incubators, waterbaths , autoclave, etc.
The Chemistry Lab has variety of sophisticated instruments like distillation apparatus, Stalagmometer, Viscometer, Conductivity meter, Potentiometer, pH meter, UV-vis. Spectrophotometer (200-700 nm) along with other required glass wares, reagents and materials.

Physics Laboratory helps the students in improving their approach towards the subjects and develops their experimental skills.

Department has two well equipped Applied Physics laboratories where students can do hands on experiments inlined with theory. Dark room helps students to perform Optics related experiments. Laboratory has sufficient number of equipment set ups.