
Sita Sharma

Sita Sharma


Throughout my three years of study for my B.A. from Vivek PG College, I was awarded two gold medals by Rajasthan University for receiving the highest scores. I completed my Master of Arts in Political Science with the assistance of the teachers at Vivek P.G. College, and I was awarded a 100-gram silver coin by my college and a gold medal from Rajasthan University. Sincerely, I believe that having this degree has helped me achieve my goals. It is difficult for me to put into words how appreciative I am of this college’s unwavering support, both directly and indirectly.

Jitendra Kumar Verma

Jitendra Kumar Verma

Teacher (Level-2) Department of Education (Govt of Raj)

I’ve heard that college is the finest time of a person’s life, therefore, it seems natural that I choose Vivek P.G. Mahavidhyalaya Kalwar for it. One important life lesson I took away from my time at college is that learning never stops. The college gives you access to the most qualified applicant for each profession. The most recent substantial assets are available in the computer and science labs. Thank you! This college offers a comprehensive blend of education and enjoyment.

Arjun Kumawat

Arjun Kumawat

Govt. of India, Dept. of Revenue (Mumbai) Inspector Officer

I am Arjun Kumawat. My experience about Vivek P.G. Mahvidyalya, Kalwar has been very positive and creative. According to me in this college environments have learned a lot of basic knowledge and skills, sports activities and career development skills. This college faculty and management staff such a nice behaviour with students.

Mukesh Gora

Mukesh Gora

Circule Inspector Dept. Of Raj. Police

My name is Mukesh Gora. It gives me great pleasure to tell you about Vivek P.G. Mahavidyalaya Kalwar, Jaipur, and all the sporting experiences and courses it provides, such as N.S.S., Scout and Guide, and campaigning, along with its quantitative and excellent education. I got my first opportunity to enter the world of sports at Vivek College.There is a trainer in person as well as highly qualified teaching personnel available.

Manisha Sharma

Manisha Sharma

After getting admission here only. I found my life totally changed.I got my real intellect and I knew how to reach to target. Vivek P.G. College is amazing. It made me intelligent in real sense. Thanks a lot to Vivek P.G. College.

Rajiv Dhaka

Rajiv Dhaka

I am grateful to the faculty and staff of Vivek PG Mahavidhyalya Kalwar for their constant support and guidance. They have always been approachable and have helped me overcome any challenges I faced during my time here. I would highly recommend Vivek PG Mahavidhyalya Kalwar to anyone Looking for a college that not only provides quality education but also helps in the overall development of an individual.




I must say, If you have determined to crack the competitive examinations from the very beginning, You must take admission only in this college. From first year only, the staff of this college make you ready for that. General science is taught to the students of arts and general Knowledge just like history, geography is taught to the students of science. That is why I got it truly, a dedicated institution.

Khushbu Prajapati

Khushbu Prajapati


Vivek P.G. College is truly best College in this rural area. The environment as well as lecture method is very suitable to the student. Thestudent are provided with every kind of facilityhere. I got myself lucky enough getting admission here only.

Shri Ram Yadav

Shri Ram Yadav


Being a science student I must say that no other college could beat this college thearetial lecture along with practicals on regular basis made us vary knowledgeable Digital Labs, Library and Digital learning classes gave us opportunities to get good score in academic. Thanks to Vivek PG. College.

राकेश लहकारा

राकेश लहकारा

शिक्षा विभाग राज. उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय, बांरा

कर्मभूमि विवेक महाविद्यालय की असीम तरक्की को देखकर बहुत खुशी होती है। मैं अपने आपको धन्य महसूस करता हूं कि मैं विवेक महाविद्यालय का सदस्य रहा हूं।